Trying to make fun/cool cartoonz for the webz.
Currently working on a series, titled "PROJECT I" atm. See my recent posts and videos for its development progress :>


Animator, primarily

Joined on 11/3/16

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Metallis's News

Posted by Metallis - August 14th, 2023

I am still working away at the character, progress is painfully slow due to my time constraints. it's going to take a bit longer than i initially expected, but I'm optimistic for having something ready for this coming weekend. I may show something before then! He's looking cool so far with the lighting effects :>

In the meantime, I was thinking of this new eye shape for that character (see image). This dude is supposed to have a few "normie" qualities to him, so I thought giving him more squarish eyes that resemble glasses might fit that idea (like a nerd emoji).

What do you think though!? Triangle eyes or Square? let me know in the comments, i'd love some thoughts and feedback :>

I'll likely make a vote poll for it tomorrow or whenever but comments here will also be counted towards my decision :>

Thanks for reading and being here guys! talk to you all soon



Posted by Metallis - August 9th, 2023

Hello frens!

I am still hard at work at creating the first character, I got yall a lil preview here

He's missing his other limbs right now because i'm rigging up 1 leg and 1 arm first then i'm just going to duplicate them and put them on the other side of his body lololoeloeleoleelelelele

This is going to take me a lil bit, I'm hoping to have it done in about a week from now, so know to hear from me then.

...And then i got to rig up 2 MORE AAAAAAAAA

Anyway I'll probably do a quick test video after I finish making it hehehehe

talk you soon, and enjoy yourselves :>

If this GIF doesn't load go here ---> https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxRJeABJBGo5nwgbLrWgCaV8bImoEr7HEn

ALSO make sure to check out my latest lighting test video!





Posted by Metallis - August 5th, 2023


By looking at the guide I made on the previous post I realized that:

If the SUM of the ARM and FOREARM angles are 0, then the lighting is EVEN

If the SUM of the ARM and FOREARM angles are -90/90, then the lighting is BRIGHT

If the SUM of the ARM and FOREARM angles are -180/180, then the lighting is EVEN

If the SUM of the ARM and FOREARM angles are -270/270, then the lighting is DARK

I have used this information to help me code the auto-lighting, and I GOT IT TO WORK YEEAAHHH BOOOIIII


This is why you stay in school kids. So you can code auto lighting in an animation software then complain/boast about it on the internet


New lighting test video soon :>



Posted by Metallis - August 3rd, 2023

PROJECT I - auto lighting and ANXIETY

Link to the gifs and stuff here:



I've been trying out some idea I had to setup the auto lighting in Toon Boom, and it was working well until I realized that the forearm shadow needs to be controlled by both the elbow joint AND the shoulder joint and i was like fUCc

As you can see in the first gif, I was happy with my setup for the upper arm. I tried the same thing for the lower arm then the horror i mentioned above entered my mind. Then i shit my gamer ass and tried to link them and it worked a little but not well at all and I kept tweaking it then I realized it was too complicated and then I got anXIOUS REEEEE || but anyway that's all in the 2nd gif

It's safe to say that I'm having some difficulty. Well, it's only safe to say if you're not near me.

3rd pic is a rundown of what I need to accomplish + the angles (according to the software) that each of the limbs are at in different positions PLUS what the light NEEDS to look like at those positions. I'm not sure what I can do but I'm hoping this guide will help me figure out some kinda math or some shi to help me code this shi. YES some coding is involved in this O_O Tips would be appreciated

I'll see what I can do. If I can't figure it out, maybe I'll just give up and upload a video of me crying for 10 hours.

No promises though, don't get excited.

I'll keep yall updated, wish me luck ._.



Posted by Metallis - July 30th, 2023

PROJECT I - just another lighting sketch, this time to see how light will affect the character, affect the character in the environment, whether the colours are good or not etc

I think I got the colouring on the wooden surface in the previous painting wrong-- blue light on a brownish wooden surface would produce this GREENISH-MINTISH colour you see here. I actually reached out to a light expert to teach me some things... Understanding how coloured light affects coloured surfaces will be important for what I'm trying to accomplish.

Moving forward, I will be building the character for animation + do a lighting tech demo/test. That will be a video! And will be soon!

Seeya then :>iu_1036756_6102729.webp



Posted by Metallis - July 29th, 2023

3st (sic) character

SO the colours.

If you haven't noticed yet, the main colours for each of these characters are the same i used for my logo... or er, for me.

Initially this boy was supposed to be blue-ish, since I kinda have blue on my pfp and its appeared sometimes in related stuff, but i may want to make more characters and i'm running out of new colours to use ;-; So imma mostly stick to the green and pinkish colours.

If this seems dumb to you let me know! I'd love your feedback.

I still have to do at least 1-2 more of these, but for now I will switch into building one of the characters for animation-- Since i want to get into doing more lighting experiments.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkk seeya soon :>



Posted by Metallis - July 27th, 2023

PROJECT I - 2st character

I'm not too sure about the head on this one-- there's a lot of line work there, making it feel cluttered to me

As always, opinions are very welcome



Posted by Metallis - July 26th, 2023

PROJECT I - 1st character

Thinking I should probably a little more to this dude but am not sure

atleast maybe something around the crotch? lol idk

Let me know what you think of the design and the colours :>




Posted by Metallis - July 25th, 2023

PROJECT I - bg design quick study

Just did another quick bg concept thing here, aimed for more bg/mg contrast here (bg darker), although i'm not sure how dark I want it to be, I don't want to drown out TOO much of the detail or stuff in general. Also I figured out a good brush for the back black curtains! :D (barely visible but they are there)

The goal here is to emulate stage lighting in a way

I will probably do another study or few, but for now I will focus in the character stuff for a lil bit, prepare your intestines for that

Feedback/thoughts on this are always appreciated!



Posted by Metallis - July 24th, 2023

PROJECT I - bg design look

Not sure if I like the darker one more or not? Maybe darker darks but less light on the lights? DOES THAT MAKE SENSE

I will probably go with a darker bg look, i want it to be mostly black outside of the light

Let me know what you think :>

